IDEXX webinar: The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD)
What are the new requirements of the directive from the point of view of public health and water quality?
IDEXX Water is pleased to invite you to a free webinar with three experts who will discuss the latest Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD). During the webinar, we will highlight the additions to the UWWTD and discuss the practical implications of these changes for utilities and stakeholders.
Keynote speakers
Michel Sponar
Deputy Director, Directorate-General for Environment, European Commission
Nuno Brôco
CEO of Águas do Tejo Atlântico
Brett Brewin
IDEXX Scientific Manager
Claudia Topalli
Relationship Manager
Webinar Program
Welcome and introduction of speakers - Claudia Topalli (5 minutes)
Latest updates of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD)/Risk Assessment Framework - Michel Sponar (20 minutes)
Quality of treated urban wastewater and microbiological monitoring - Nuno Brôco (20 minutes)
Microbiological requirements according to the new directive - Brett Brewin
(20 minutes).
Q&A - Participants (10 minutes)
The current Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, adopted in 1991, created harmonised guidelines for wastewater management in order to reduce pollution in waterways. The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD) creates a legal framework for the collection and treatment of wastewater in urban areas. It covers the collection, treatment and discharge of urban wastewater and the treatment and discharge of wastewater from certain industries.
The aim of the directive is to protect the environment from the adverse effects of the above-mentioned sewage discharges. During the webinar, we will try to review the new microbiological requirements in the context of public health, as well as briefly present the technological problems.
For further information, please contact Claudia Topalli [email protected] or Jonas Eshun [email protected] at IDEXX.

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